pixellated calligraphy font in yellow with block shadow, the text is 'Citizens of Verdite'
3D rendering of a medieval style torch on a wall 3D rendering of a medieval style torch on a wall

~Welcome, Citizens of Verdite!~

This is a webring for fans of Fromsoftware, a well established game developer that's gained vast popularity these days... As well as their long history of making games that haven't quite made it into the gilded pantheons of gaming history.

Have you ever wanted to gush about that game you never realized was a Fromsoftware game until now? Want to find fellow fans and communities you never knew existed? Do you stubbornly call it the Moonlight Sword and not the Moonlight Greatsword? THEN THIS IS FOR YOU!

The basic functionalities of this webring are hosted by webri.ng ! The Citizens of Verdite webri.ng page can be found here , and contains a list of current members and basic markup.

Here's examples of how the webring banner can look like, by the way.

pixel art drawing of grassy green hills and a castle and houses in the background, against a blue starry sky. there is yellow calligraphy text saying 'Citizens of Verdite, Fromsoftware Webring est. 2022.' superimposed on this art is the moonlight sword from king's field, and two yellow-blue arrow buttons each pointing left or right. there is also two buttons below the moonlight sword in the same style as the directional buttons, but are more elongated and say 'home' and 'random' respectively. the moonlight sword animation, if activated, shows the sword spinning left to right. Previous website button Next website button Webring home button Random website button
small pixel icon of the moonlight sword small pixel icon of the moonlight sword
This site is part of the Citizens of Verdite webring.
Previous Site Random Site Next Site

Once you're accepted, you can choose from the basic markup, the webring banner, and the animated version of the banner! Whoa!!! Feel free to customize them how you like (though if you want to use the imagemap at with a resizable resolution image, erm, good luck).

three cartoon skeletons in purple hats standing together as if about to do the can-can. if the animation is activated, they do the can-can dance left and right alternatingly.

Guidelines for applying:

These are just the basic guidelines, but to quote Hotline Webring, "we reserve the right to remove a site if we (the webmasters) feel it is outside of our own personal bounds."

Apply by DMing me on Twitter , or email me at pearhi (AT) hotmail (DOT) com.

Please make the subject of your email "Webring Application," include a link to your website, and a short introductory bio that includes your name and the Fromsoftware games you like!

If you'd like to join, but do not have a personal website (for instance, you have only social media), please specify that you'd like to apply for a branch of the ring. You'll be added to the list of members below in a special category. After all, Eternal Ring taught us that not all rings have to be, er, rings.

Oh, and the assorted gifs on this webpage are provided by Gifcities.

Now, will you be the next one to wield the fabled Sword of Moonlight?